CGI Communication Workshop

Last week NAC, working in collaboration with CGI, helped to run an online workshop for those seeking to build and develop the communication skills needed for securing a new job.


This past year has been extremely tough for those seeking work. As the impact of the coronavirus pandemic led to large sectors of the economy shutting down, competition for jobs became fierce. It has been especially difficult for young people, many of whom have been looking to take their first step into the world of work. NAC wants to help these young people get back on their feet after a hard year, by encouraging their personal development - and helping them find work is just one way to do this.

One of the barriers to getting a new job can be the communication skills required for the application process, including producing CVs, and handling interviews. This tricky process is even more daunting if you haven’t experienced it before. However, by learning and developing the right communication skills, you can become a standout candidate. That’s why NAC has partnered with CGI, to help individuals learn about the skills required to get a new job, through our online workshops.

The free, hour-long event, which ran last Thursday, was a really informative, thorough, and useful session, providing attendees with a range of information about the job application process. The mentors from CGI covered a wide range of topics, including:

  • CVs - what hiring managers want to know, and how to write your own

  • Interviews - the different types of interviews, and how to prepare for them

  • Techniques for communicating your skills and qualities clearly and effectively

  • What NOT to do - just as helpful as knowing what you should do!

Participants also gained an insight into some of the Early Careers opportunities available at CGI, before finishing with an interactive Q&A session.

We would like to give a big thanks to CGI for hosting this event and providing their expert knowledge. CGI is one of the biggest IT and business consulting services firms in the world, and their objective is to build trusted relationships through client proximity. If you would like to learn more about them, and their EmployABILITY programme, please see the link below:


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